Thursday, January 11, 2007

Check please!

Well, me and my man went out to dinner tonight at a place that we go to all of the time. We had been there earlier this week also. The annoying thing is, that the same thing happened both times this week.
A couple of nights ago, we went in and got seated, no problem, but then we waited and waited and waited some more. Finally a waiter asked us if we had been helped yet. ( I guess the fact that we had no drinks, silverware, or menus, was a big clue there!) Of course, we smiled through clinched teeth as we said "no", and he said he would go find our waiter. So, we watch him go over to a group of about a dozen staff members, who apparently had nothing better to do. Then they all look over and are pointing to us, debating over whose table we are! A young perky blonde girl comes over smiling and apologizing to help us. ( she must have drawn the short straw ) She said that the waiter who was supposed to have that table hadn't come in yet, so she would be happy to help us. ( she was way to perky for me...)
Then again tonight, we got seated easy enough, but then the group of staff members are all looking at us and pointing, debating again over who had that table! ( proof that lightning does strike twice in the same place......but only in my life!) So again, a cute little blonde comes to wait on us and explains that the waiter who had our table called off tonight, but she would be happy to help us. ( why are they always blonde and perky? Yeah, I hated her right off the bat!)
Anyway, can you believe that? This is a big chain too, not some hole in the wall place. Would it be too much to ask to have a tall, dark and handsome hunk draw the short straw next time? ( a girl can dream can't she?)

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