Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is Love Blind?

Have you ever "people watched" as you were sitting somewhere? Then suddenly you see a couple and wonder why they are together because one is hot and one is not? (you know you have!) I will admit to thinking this from time to time. I was sitting in a nice restaurant and saw this couple get seated at the table next to ours. He was extremely hot, and built, and sexy...well, you get the picture, anyway, I peal my eyes away from him for a sec to glance at the woman that has somehow nabbed a date with this hunk, and what do I see? Yeah, you guessed it, she was.....well, shall we say, a plain jane. ( I AM being nice) It makes you wonder how she attracted him in the first place. This is a woman that on the outside nothing stands out about her. She was plain, with little make-up and simply dressed. But, as I watched them together, I started to see her appeal. The way she looked at him like he was the only man in the room, the smile she gave him that lit up her face, the sweet way she made him laugh. (yes, I was jealous, I'll admit it )It was then that I realized that true love is truly blind. And then I remembered some of my own experiences with such phenomenon. I dated this guy once that when he walked into a room, every woman's eyes were on him. ( no, they didn't look at me and wonder why he was with me....or did they?) He was so sexy and built, he made your jaw drop! ( mind out of the gutter!) But it stopped there, because as we had dinner and talked I saw nothing else in him to attract me, and he started to seem less attractive to me. He was very vain, not very smart, and had nothing to offer to the conversation beyond weight lifting and hair gel. So, as good looking as he was, I could'nt find any attraction there to keep me with him. ( that isn't enough!...always in the gutter isn't it?) I also dated this other guy, that I had talked to online and on the phone. We decided to meet in a restaurant after a lot of engaging conversations on the phone. When he walked in, I wasn't sure what to say, he wasn't the hot hunk I had envisioned. ( ok, he was a little unattractive...) But we sat down and as we had dinner and talked, He got more and more attractive. When we started to talk about the things we already knew we had in common, and about new subjects that we hadn't touched on yet, I realized that I liked him. He was a perfect gentleman, (sorry to disappoint you) we had many things to talk about, he made me laugh, and as the night drew to a close, I was so glad I had met him. ( again, get your mind out of the gutter) So, next time you meet someone, keep an open mind. The old adage is can't judge a book by its cover. If you go for the superficial, then you may end up in a relationship that doesn't make you happy. Always go for the mind and heart of a person, and you can't go wrong, you will be happier in the end.

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